Travel: Recommended travel days on Monday and Friday. Lodging: Courtyard Fredericksburg Historic District by Marriott Schedule: Preparation time on Tuesday with icebreaker in the evening. Staff ride on Wednesday, with integration dinner Wednesday night. Or... do our Fredericksburg Staff Ride on Wednesday and Chancellorsville Staff Ride for Thursday with integration dinner that night. Group size: Minimum 8 people per conference group; maximum of 14 people per conference group. Maximum of 6 groups at a time. OMNA will provide one retired senior leader either a U.S. Marine or a Firefighter to facilitate learning for each conference group. Transportation: Groups provide their own transportation around the battlefield (usually rented 15 passenger vans). No walking options except at a few stands. Price and payment: Contact OMNA for scheduling, pricing, and payment options. |
The battle for Chancellorsville in May 1863 followed after the Army of the Potomac (again under new leadership) and the Army of Northern Virginia clashed in Fredericksburg in December 1862. This is a good preliminary study to the Battle of Gettysburg. In this staff ride we contrast the leadership of the two armies, and subordinate staff officers on both sides exercising staff leadership. Chancellorsville is a good place to discuss risk management, hubris, a bias for action, boldness, and succession planning. Most often this ride is done as a second day immediately following the Fredericksburg.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: + Leaders evaluate their own hubris and bias, and come to better understand how ideas and actions have consequences. + Leaders learn more about how their colleagues feel, think, frame problems, and communicate their decisions into action. + Teams build cohesion and a common shared experience in evaluating leaders from the past, while broadening their vocabulary and knowledge of various leadership styles. |